Travis Kelce Woos Taylor Swift With A Friendship Bracelet | Just Scholarships And Jobs

Travis Kelce Woos Taylor Swift with a Friendship Bracelet

Travis Kelce Taylor swift eras tour


Travis Kelce, the celebrated tight end of the Kansas City Chiefs and 2023 Super Bowl champ, reveals a humorous encounter on his New Heights podcast. He recounts his failed but entertaining attempt to connect with Taylor Swift during her Eras Tour.

Travis Kelce’s Foiled Plan

At one of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour shows in Kansas City’s Arrowhead Stadium, fans have been exchanging homemade friendship bracelets inspired by Swift’s lyrics. Kelce took it up a notch by crafting a special bracelet with his phone number, intending to present it to the pop star.

A Disappointing Outcome

Despite his thoughtful gesture, Kelce couldn’t hand the bracelet to Taylor Swift since she doesn’t engage with fans before or after her performances to preserve her voice for the demanding 44-song setlist.

A Playful Tease

Sharing the story with his brother, Philadelphia Eagles centre Jason Kelce, Travis humorously speculated that Swift might not have wanted to meet him due to her allegiance to the Eagles, jokingly suggesting she hadn’t gotten over the Eagles’ Super Bowl victory.

Though Travis Kelce’s plan to give Taylor Swift his number didn’t succeed, the incident remains a lighthearted and memorable moment during the Eras Tour.

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3 thoughts on “Travis Kelce Woos Taylor Swift with a Friendship Bracelet

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